Our kids tricycle is suitable for 2-6 years old kids. It has 4 different modes for kids to use: 2-wheel balance bike, tricycle, bicycle and auxiliary balance bike. Kids can promote their physical fitness, self-confidence, balance ability and hand-eye coordination during riding. Besides, our balance bike is also designed with height-adjustable handlebar(55 cm/59 cm) and seat(36.5-44.5 cm), which is ideal for kids of 85-110 cm. What's more, the handlebar has a limited steering of 120 degrees to prevent rollover. To offer kids smooth riding experience, the kids balance bike is equipped with light and wear-resistant EVA wheels, which can run on cement road, wood floor, grassland and asphalt road. On the other hand, we also design it with soft PU seat, cushioned handlebar and footrest design for more comfort. And the carbon steel frame also keeps it durable and sturdy. Bullet Point: 4-In-1 Kids Training Bike: Our multi-purpose kids training bike can be converted into 4 different modes: 2-wheel balance bike for 2-3 years old, tricycle for 3-6 years old, bicycle for 3-6 years old and auxiliary balance bike for 2-3 years old. Thanks to the removable pedal and training wheels, you can easily switch it into various modes according your actual needs. Adjustable Seat & Handlebar: Our kids balance bike is an ideal choice to accompany your kids to grow up. You can adjust its seat's height from 36.5 cm to 44.5 cm and control the height of 2-level handlebar (55 cm or 59 cm), making it be suitable for kids of 85-110 cm. Apart from that, the handlebar features a 120-degree limited steering to avoid rollover. Smooth & Comfortable Riding: Our wider EVA wheels ensure excellent shock-absorption, anti-slip function and wear resistance, offering your little one a smooth riding experience. Kids can ride our bikes on cement road, wood floor, grassland and asphalt road. Besides, kids will feel comfortable when sitting on the soft PU seat. Stable & User-friendly Design: Sturdy carbon steel frame ensures good support, which can hold up to 50 kg. The balance bike is not easy to deform or collapse when kids ride on it. Additionally, non-slip handlebar allows for easy grip and footrest design allows kids to relax their legs. Perfect Gift for Your Kids: The kids balance bike enables kids to learn more motor skills and enhance their physical fitness. In addition, toddlers can also acquire confidence, promote hand-eye coordination, exercise balance ability and improve independence ability through the riding process. Features: 2-wheel balance bike/tricycle/bicycle/ auxiliary balance bike for Kids to use 2-height handlebar and 36.5-44.5 cm adjustable seat for riders of 85-110 cm 120-degree limited steering to prevent tipping over during turning Carbon steel and EVA wheels for long-lasting lifespan and smooth riding experience Ideal for cement road, wood floor, grassland and asphalt road Detachable paddles and TPR training wheels for easy assembly Cushioned handlebar and soft PU seat add more comfort Able to promote kids hand-eye coordination, build up their physical fitness, boost self-confidence as well as exercise their balance ability Suitable for 2-6 years old kids for early bike riding Specifications: Colour: Pink/Blue Material: Carbon Steel, PU, EVA, TPR ProductDimensions:214.63 x 105.41 x 149.86 cm (L x W x H) NetWeight:5 kg Package Includes: 1 x Kids Balance Bike 1 x Instruction
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